Sunday, January 4, 2009

Finding Sanity

2008 has come, gone and now we head into a brand new year of 2009, now I admit that I've not been to forthcoming on what's been going on in lives of the Campos Family in the past year. I chalk the up to the craziness of life, how busy one gets with work and family, in any event I add the fact that I've intentionally made a point not to keep in touch with everyone and up to date to what has been going on with us here in Washington. Not that I am feeling any negativity towards anyone that is not it at all, I just wanted to focus all my energy into my work and most important in my family. Now it has been an eventful year but I will not bore you with the details of everything, I rather touch base on couple of the things that I've been constantly thinking about in the past few months.

So back in July I took my family to go visit my Mom and Dad in Las Vegas, our little visit ended up being a family reunion with visits from my brother with his family, my sister and her husband and my nephew and his family. In past I've had reservations of taking my Wife and kids to meet for the first time my parents. Events in my past have plagued my memory, I've been reluctant to subject myself to what I thought would be the same experience from before, though at the same time I didn't want the "What if" and "Never know" to hang over my head until the end of my days. What if things were different, what if things with my parents could be happy? So we saved up up to 4 thousand dollars and drove down to Las Vegas.

The outcome was welcome twist of fate, after eight long years of not seeing each other my parents were overjoyed that we came down. This being the first time that my mother and father ever met Melissa, they welcomed her into the family, and met the new Grand kids for the first time. The let my kids run wild around their house,showered them with food, clothes and toys. My mother and sister showered Melissa with clothes and jewelry. Along with all that, my mother showed her approval and pride in the man that I've become. Something that I'd never get from my mother....acceptance.

The other thing that's been in the forefront of my mind is events of the last 4 months, long story short, I had to find another job in the USAF. The current job I have is cutting down on the number of Staff Sergeants it has in this particular job. So I either can choose from a list of critical manned jobs to cross train into voluntarily or be forced in job that I don't want or even be forced out of the Air Force. With the economy in the current state it's in, me having two kids to provide for, getting out of the Air Force is not an option. So after doing a little research, talking it over with Melissa, a shit load of appointments, and a lot of fucking waiting on other organizations in USAF I've decided to become a USAF Recruiter. Yep in the very near future I will be out there selling the Air Force and recruiting people to join the Air Force. And yes I've already heard people say that I am going to "lie" for a living, that I am going to con people into signing on the dotted line. Those who know me well know that I am not like that, in all honesty that is one reason I wanted to be a recruiter, to change that stereotype of recruiters.

Will I succeed? Who knows, to be quite honest I have no idea what lies ahead in months to come, I mean I know what is suppose to happen, what is scheduled to happen. What is expected of me, but who among us knows what is going to happen in the months to come, in the weeks to come...believe what happens tomorrow. I leave to go to Texas for 7 weeks in order for me to get all trained up on being a Recruiter, I leave next month. Which will leave Melissa here for a couple of months without me, we're prepared for it and slowing preparing the kids for it. After I get back from training we all hop in the car drive down to Oregon for a couple of days. We'll be moving to Beaverton City (which is right next to Portland) so we're going down a little early to see about buying a house since we're not going to be anywhere near an Air Force Base. We have a lot of things that we need to prepare for in the next few months. With me going to training, Melissa going to school, moving, switching jobs, and the kids caught in the middle we've felt a little stressed about it and we're no where even close to be done with all the inevitable craziness.

Hopefully by June we will be settled in our new life, new house and beginning to find some sanity. Who knows maybe we'll find it.....

"All the little things that she does to me feels so good
Every bit of fun and loneliness and everything that endlessly confuses me
When I think of Heaven, when I think of Heaven
I think of you do you think of me too?
When I think of Heaven, deliver me in a black winged bird
I think of dying
lay me down in a field of flame and heather
surrender up my body into the burning heart of God
in the belly black winged bird"

-Counting Crows "Rain King"

The Will